Lighthouse Industry 4.0 in Hannover Messe 2021
Indonesia’s government, Ministry of Industry, has appointed PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia to be Indonesia National Lighthouse Industry 4.0 and the company is joining on the International exhibition, Hannover Messe 2021.
are 3 companies’ presentation in special program making Indonesia 4.0 –
Champion Journey, PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia, PT. Petrosea Tbk, and PT.
Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. This program is a highlight of
technology industry 4.0 implementation through making Indonesia 4.0 journey.
start our journey by implementing Good Lean Manufacturing. “In 2017 we adopted the
implementation of new IoT technology and connectivity. With these pillars, we optimistic that we can
achieve company goals” said Daniel Suryananta as Technical Director.